
Dream Spa – Salon WordPress


Clean Beauty Spa WordPress theme. This best selling Cosmetic WordPress theme is suitable for Spa, Salons, Haircare centers, Beauty & Massage Parlours, Makeup, Yoga & Meditation centers, Barbershop, Health & Wellness Centers, Medical, Physiotherapy, Cosmetic Treatment centers, ayurvedic treatments, pedicure, manicure procedures.

Pages like Online booking and 4 color skins, spa treatment procedures, spa therapy pages, spa therapists detail, masseur are provided. Spa procedures such as Acupressure, Acupuncture, Beauty Treatments, Day spa, Detoxification, Deep tissue massage, Exfoliation, Essential Oils, Facial, Gel manicure, Hot Stone Massage, Hydrotherapy, Jacuzzi, Naturopathy, Pilates can be presented.

The theme is fully flexible and responsive, retina ready and also based on semantic mark-up and best design practices with search engines in mind. WPML Compatible!

Dream Spa - WordPress Beauty Salon - 1

Dream Spa - WordPress Beauty Salon - 2

Dream Spa - WordPress Beauty Salon - 3

Dream Spa - WordPress Beauty Salon - 4

Dream Spa – Beauty Spa, Salon and Wellness Treatments WordPress theme Features

  • WooCommerce Support
  • FontAwesome Integration
  • MailChimp Integration
  • Social Integration
  • Theme Support
  • Online Documentation
  • Child Theme Included
  • Sample Data Included Column manager / Layout manager
  • 4 Color Schemes Pick your own colors for background, header, footer, fonts and almost all elemnets can be skinned
  • Google fonts – Use any of the available google fonts for the titles and body text
  • Layout possiblities – Give wings to your creativity, Ex: put gallery inside product pages
  • Custom sidebars
  • Shortcode Generator
  • Shop Pages
  • Contact widget
  • Latest post widget
  • Google maps widget
  • Twitter widget
  • Multiple shortcodes
  • Google analytics – Easy Integration from backend
  • Integrated social sharing – Can be turned off
  • Use your own logo and favicon
  • Contact form 7 support
  • Powerful admin panel – Easy to use admin panel with a ton of options
  • Cross Browser Compatibility
  • Fully editable PSD files
  • Coded with SEO in mind
  • Responsive Design

NOTE: Images used in the demo are not included for download, these images are copyrighted, if you are planning to use the photos we can provide the links to buy license.

– Dream Spa – Changelog –

2022.11.09 – version 4.1

* Compatible with WordPress 6.1
* Compatible with the latest WooCommerce versions
* Compatible with PHP 8.1 version
* Updated: All premium plugins

2022.09.29 – version 4.0

* Compatible with WordPress 6.0.2
* Compatible with the latest WooCommerce plugin
* Updated: All premium plugins

2021.01.25 – version 3.9

* Compatible with wordpress 5.6
* Some design issues updated
* Updated: All premium plugins

2020.11.30 – version 3.8

* Latest jQuery fixes updated
* Updated: All premium plugins

2020.08.13 – version 3.7

* Compatible with wordpress 5.5

2020.07.28 – version 3.6

* Updated: Envato Theme check
* Updated: sanitize_text_field added
* Updated: All wordpress theme standards
* Updated: All premium plugins

2020.02.06 – version 3.5

* Updated : All premium plugins

2020.01.27 – version 3.4 (For new users, the newly built visual composer demo contents version

* Compatible with wordpress 5.3.2
* Updated: All premium plugins
* Updated: All wordpress theme standards
* Updated: Privacy and Cookies concept
* Updated: Gutenberg editor support for custom post types

* Fixed: Google Analytics issue
* Fixed: Mailchimp email client issue
* Fixed: Privacy Button Issue
* Fixed: Gutenberg check for old wordpress version

* Improved: Tags taxonomy added for portfolio
* Improved: Single product breadcrumb section
* Improved: Revisions options added for all custom posts

2019.11.14 – version 3.3 (For new users, the newly built visual composer demo contents version

* Updated all wordpress theme standards
* Compatible with latest Gutenberg editor
* Updated: All premium plugins
* Compatible with wordpress 5.3

2019.22.07 – version 3.2 (For new users, the newly built visual composer demo contents version

* Fixed: 404 scroll issue 

2019.22.07 – version 2.5 (For old themes users who wish to continue with the page builder version please use

* Updated latest version of all third party plugins

2019.22.07 – version 3.1 (For new users, the newly built visual composer demo contents version

* Compatible with WordPress 5.2.2
* Updated: All premium plugins
* Updated: Revisions added to all custom post types
* Updated: Gutenberg editor support for custom post types
* Updated: Link for phone number module
* Updated: Online documentation link, check readme file
* Updated: wpml XML file updated

* Fixed: Customize logo option
* Fixed: Google Analytics issue
* Fixed: Mail-chimp email client issue
* Fixed: Gutenberg check for old WordPress version
* Fixed: Edit with Visual Composer for portfolio
* Fixed: Header & Footer wpml option
* Fixed: Appointment person display under the services in backend
* Fixed: Smooth scrolling in ie 11
* Fixed: Breadcrumb issue in services page
* Fixed: Site title color
* Fixed: Privacy popup bg color
* Fixed: 404 page scrolling issue
* Fixed: Coming Soon page
* Fixed: Mega menu Background image
* Fixed: GDPR product single page fix
* Fixed: Reservation plugin fix
* Fixed: Some design tweaks

* Improved: Single product breadcrumb section
* Improved: Tags taxonomy added for portfolio
* Improved: Woocommerce cart module added with custom class option
* Improved: Portfolio Video option

* New: Whatsapp Shortcode

2019.01.19 – version 3.0 (For new users, the newly built visual composer demo contents version

* Major update of Dreamspa theme.
* All the demo contents updated to Visual Composer modules
* Reservation removed from themes files and added as a separate plugin.
* Compatible with wordpress 5.0.3
* Themes options with codestar framework.
* Customizer options with Kirki plugin.
* Gutenberg compatible.
* Updated documentation.
* Clients please do not upload the new version Dreamspa theme or plugin files to your existing dreamspa old version, since the site will crash. If you need to continue with your old version, we have provided the old version separately please use those files. If you need to go with the new visual composer version, you need to install it in a fresh site.
* Please follow this KB steps for installing the new 3.0 version

2019.01.18 – version 2.4 (For old themes users who wish to continue with the page builder version please use

* Updated latest version of all third party plugins

2018.12.25 – version 2.3

* Latest wordpress version 5.0.2 compatible
 * Updated latest version of all third party plugins
 * Updated documentation

Change Log : 2018.09.29 – version 2.2

* Packed with latest version of DesignThemes Core Shortcode Plugins, Visual Composer, Ultimate Addons for Visual Composer, Layer Slider and Revolution Slider.
* Compatible with WordPress 4.9.8.
* GDPR update.
* Some Design Tweaks.

2018.06.16 – version 2.1

* Fix - Bulk plugins install issue
 * Fix - Updated the no link menu issue
 * Fix - Iphone sidebar issue
 * Fix - Option for change the site title color
 * Fix - Unyson Page Builder Conflict
 * Fix - Nav Menu Role Plugin compatible
 * Fix - Added the smile fonts folder
 * Fix - All theme functions updated for child theme support
 * Fix - Youtube and Vimeo video issue in https
 * Fix - Updated theme options save issue​​
 * Fix - Twitter feeds links issue
 * Fix - Disable Page Builder when visual mode disabled
 * Fix - Color picker issue
 * Updated demo contents
 * Updated documentation
 * Updated language files
 * Updated all third party plugins
 * Updated designthemes core features plugin

2017.09.05 – version 2.0

* WordPress 4.8.1 compatible
* Fixed "Valid URL was not provided" issue
* Compatible with PHP7
* Fixed mobile menu issue
* Fixed some warning issue
* Fixed Text and Image module in page builder
* Fixed Revolution slider color picker issue
* Fixed Menu jerk issue
* Fixed Nav menu plugin conflict

2017.04.24 – version 1.9

* Woocommerce 3.0 compatible
* WordPress 4.7.4 compatible

2017.01.25 – version 1.8

* Fixed page builder update content notification issue

2016.12.15 – version 1.7.9

* Compatible with WordPress 4.7
* Dummy Content import with unyson
* Updated Mailchimp widget with latest API
* Now compatible with SSL
* Global page, post layout option
* Updated DesignThemes Core Plugin

2016.08.26 – version 1.7.8

* Compatible with WordPress 4.6
* Compatible with Visual Composer 4.12

2016.06.30 – version 1.7.7

* Updated TGMA Plugin
* Compatible with WooCommerce 2.6.1
* Updated theme main style.css
* Updated register_public.php located at framework\ ( dt_undo_recurrence_oembed_logic() )
* Updated style.css located at framework\woocommerce\
* Updated located at framework\plugins

2016.04.15 – version 1.7.6

* Compatible with WordPress 4.5
* Updated located at framework\plugins

2016.03.29 – version 1.7.5

* Compatible with WordPress 4.4.2
* Updated RTL view of single product ( rtl.css )
* Updated responsive.css

2015.09.18 – version 1.7.4

* Compatible with WordPress 4.3.1
* Updated Font Awesome

30-07-2015 – version 1.7.3

* Fixed W3C Validation issues
* Added captcha for reservation form
* updated language files

24-06-2015 – version 1.7.2

* Updated prettyPhoto jQuery library ( XSS vulnerability )

09-06-2015 – version 1.7.1

* Fixed issue in Blog Template
* Search widget css issue fixed
* Added image size of in Single Gallery Shortcode

27-04-2015 – version 1.7

 * Compatible with WordPress 4.2 
 * Fixed XSS vulnerability
 * Updated TGM Plugin
 * Updated Layer Slider , Revolution Slider and Responsive Styled Google  Maps
 * Included Envato Toolkit
 * Updated WooCommerce and Font awesome style sheet

09-03-2015 – version 1.6

 * Fixed Sticky navigation & Megamenu issue
 * Now compatible with WooCommerce 2.3.5
 * Added new [dt_sc_br] shortcode

02-09-2015 – version 1.5

 * Fully optimized
 * RTL Support
 * Demo Slider Included
 * Registered new image sizes for portfolio and blog

15-11-2014 – version 1.4

  * Now Retina Ready

21-10-2014 – version 1.3

  * Fixed issue in disabling feature image for post
  * Fixed Gallery Hover effect issue in smart devices
  * Fixed isssue in adding custom css

08-10-2014 – version 1.2

  * Fixed Featured Image issue

30-09-2014 – version 1.1

  * Added New Page Builder to create pages
  * Now Compatible with WordPress 4.0
  * Updated Header Options with top bar enable/disable option
  * Updated Sticky Header option
  * Added Reservation Module ( includes Staffs, Services, Customers and Payments custom post types )
  * Woocommerce 2.2.2 Compatible
  * Included updated version of revolution slider

18-07-2014 – version 1.0

  * First Release! 


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