
Political WordPress Theme – FrontRunner


FrontRunner is the Political WordPress Theme for your Political Campaign, Super PAC, Candidate, Organization, Political Party or Interest Group

Political WordPress Theme - FrontRunner

Theme Features

  • Super-ultra-mega responsive
  • SEO optimized
  • News and Blog templates
  • Events and Calendar listings
  • Issues templates
  • Videos templates
  • YouTube integration
  • Landing page templates
  • Newsletter sign up
  • Donations (PayPal)
  • Contact form
  • Error page template
  • Custom sign in
  • Bootstrap 3
  • Retina ready
  • All Photoshop files included
  • and so much more…

Need the HTML version? We’ve got it!

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Help and Support

Please post support questions to our Help Center. We have many useful resources on our Help Center including support forums and tutorials.

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Looking for information about new releases and theme updates? Subscribe to our emails or follow us on Twitter and we’ll do our best to keep you informed.

Updates and notifications

UPDATE – VERSION 1.0.31 (April 15th 2021)


  • Fixed some PHP v8 notices.

UPDATE – VERSION 1.0.30 (March 15th 2021)


  • Fixed color picker not working in customizer.
  • Fixed some PHP notices.

UPDATE – VERSION 1.0.29 (October 17th 2020)


  • Fixed color picker not working (enabled jQuery Migrate for admin).
  • Code refactoring.

UPDATE – VERSION 1.0.28 (July 15th 2020)


  • Refactored and further optimised the code that checks on packaged plugins, resulting in faster page loads front-end and in admin, especially on busy shared servers.
  • Corrected incorrect PayPal Details help message.
  • Updated Political Options plugin to v1.1.6.

UPDATE – VERSION 1.0.27 (June 16th 2020)


  • Optimised packaged plugin checks.

UPDATE – VERSION 1.0.26 (February 22nd 2020)


  • Fixed some PHP v7.4+ notices.

UPDATE – VERSION 1.0.25 (January 8th 2020)

Fixes and updates

  • Removed border around login form.

UPDATE – VERSION 1.0.24 (August 3rd 2019)

Fixes and updates

  • Hotfix for a false-positive warning about outdated version of TLS being used.
  • Fixed undefined constant warning.
  • Updated Political Options plugin to v1.1.5.
  • Updated link to Font Awesome in action links admin.

UPDATE – VERSION 1.0.23 (February 21st 2019)


  • Fixed “continue” error in PHP v7.3+.

UPDATE – VERSION 1.0.22 (February 2nd 2019)


  • Fixed plugin installer outputting “An error has occurred” on all pages.
  • Updated Plugin Installer extension to v0.9.9
  • Removed redundant code that disables Gutenberg.

UPDATE – VERSION 1.0.21 (July 26th 2018)

Fix and updates

  • Disabled the Gutenberg plugin and nag.

UPDATE – VERSION 1.0.20 (July 13th 2018)


  • Fix for Ninja Forms Stripe extension not working with Political Options.
  • Updated Political Options plugin to v1.1.4.

UPDATE – VERSION 1.0.19 (May 30th 2018)

Fix and updates

  • Fixed quick donate amount not passing through to selected donation form.
  • Updated Political Options plugin to v1.1.3.

UPDATE – VERSION 1.0.18 (May 10th 2018)

Fix and updates

  • Fixed donation form success message not always displaying.
  • Updated Political Options plugin to v1.1.2.

UPDATE – VERSION 1.0.17 (April 18th 2018)


  • NEW Updated donations collection feature and demo form for latest Ninja Forms plugin compatibility.
  • Updated Political Options plugin to v1.1.1.
  • NEW Added exported demo forms to full theme package.
  • NEW Added Snapchat to footer social icons.

UPDATE – VERSION 1.0.16 (January 31st 2018)

Updates and fixes

  • Fixed creating an event gallery not working with WordPress v4.9+.
  • Updated Political Options plugin to v1.0.9.

UPDATE – VERSION 1.0.15 (November 17th 2017)

Updates and fixes

  • Updated Static Content Blocks plugin to v1.0.5.
  • Updated Plugin Installer extension to v0.9.8.
  • Fixed campaign videos not autoplaying after clicking thumbnails.

UPDATE – VERSION 1.0.14 (June 29th 2017)

Updates and fixes

  • Updated Political Options plugin to v1.0.8.
  • Fixed quick donate amount not passing through to selected donation form.

UPDATE – VERSION 1.0.13 (March 29th 2017)


  • Fixed forms sometimes not submitting when there is more than one form on a page.
  • Fixed forms displaying validation messages before user input.
  • Fixed multiple duplicate actions being imported for the demo forms.

UPDATE – VERSION 1.0.12 (March 5th 2017)

Updates and fixes

  • Updated Sidebars extension to v0.8.5.
  • Fixed Ninja Form buttons not using Accent Color 3.
  • Improvements to Google Font selector.
  • Added support for Google Font character sets.
  • Fixed events in “More Events” section being ordered incorrectly.
  • Fixed event titles in “More Events” section not linking to events.

UPDATE – VERSION 1.0.11 (January 17th 2017)


  • Updated Political Options plugin to v1.0.7.
  • Updated Simple Theme Slider plugin to v1.0.6.
  • Updated Plugin Installer extension to v0.9.7.
  • Updated Sidebars extension to v0.8.4.
  • Code cleanup and refactoring.

UPDATE – VERSION 1.0.10 (January 13th 2017)

Plugin update and a small fix

  • Updated Static Content Blocks plugin to v1.0.4.
  • Fixed occasional misalignments on video page.

UPDATE – VERSION 1.0.9 (December 3rd 2016)

Updates and fixes

  • Updated Font Awesome to v4.7.0.
  • Fixed videos not opening when first visiting a page that has videos on.

UPDATE – VERSION 1.0.8 (October 4th 2016)

Updates and fixes

  • Updated Political Options plugin to v1.0.6.
  • Updated Plugin Installer extension to v0.9.5.
  • NEW Added enhanced Ninja Forms v3 compatibility for FrontRunner demo forms.
  • Fixed a PHP notice.

UPDATE – VERSION 1.0.7 (September 6th 2016)

Updates and fixes

  • Updated Plugin Installer extension to v0.9.4.
  • Updated the Google Fonts list.
  • Fixed date language and time format not correct on paginated events pages.

UPDATE – VERSION 1.0.6 (July 13th 2016)

Updates, fixes and enhancements

  • Updated Political Options plugin to v1.0.5.
  • Updated Plugin Installer extension to v0.9.2.
  • NEW Added Ninja Forms v3 compatibility.
  • NEW Added set event times using 24 hour clock.
  • NEW Added display event date in the format set in WordPress settings.
  • Fixed slideshow won’t display if it contains only one slide.

UPDATE – VERSION 1.0.5 (June 8th 2016)

Updates and fixes

  • Updated Political Options plugin to v1.0.4.
  • Updated Font Awesome to v4.6.3.
  • Updated Plugin Installer extension to v0.9.1.
  • Fixed events that span dates expiring incorrectly.

UPDATE – VERSION 1.0.4 (May 7th 2016)

Updates and fixes

  • Updated Static Content Blocks plugin to v1.0.3.
  • Updated Ninja Forms plugin to v2.9.45.
  • Fixed videos not loading.
  • Fixed old WooCommerce code causing an error.

UPDATE – VERSION 1.0.3 (April 13th 2016)

Updates and fixes

  • Updated Political Options plugin to v1.0.3.
  • Updated Ninja Forms plugin to v2.9.41.
  • NEW Added en_GB theme translation.
  • NEW Added en_GB translation to Political Options plugin.
  • Fixed ambiguous install info in documentation.
  • Fixed “Open link in a new tab” option not working in menu items.
  • Fixed home page custom CSS not being added.
  • Fixed PayPal options panel not appearing in form settings.

UPDATE – VERSION (March 30th 2016)

Plugin update

  • Updated Political Options plugin to v1.0.2.

UPDATE – VERSION 1.0.2 (March 30th 2016)

Updates and fixes

  • Updated Simple Theme Slider plugin to v1.0.5.1.
  • Updated Static Content Blocks plugin to v1.0.2-FR.
  • Updated Ninja Forms plugin to v2.9.38.
  • Fixed page title in header not in the middle in Safari.
  • Fixed events timeline still displays when there are no events.
  • Fixed PHP warning when using a Ninja Form shortcode in a content block.
  • NEW Added a custom page template for the home page.

UPDATE – VERSION (March 2nd 2016)


  • Fixed middle logo and nav menu not in the middle in Safari.
  • Fixed home page header displaying most recent post’s featured image.

UPDATE – VERSION 1.0.1 (February 25th 2016)

Updates, fixes and enhancements

  • Updated Political Options plugin to v1.0.1.
  • Updated Simple Theme Slider plugin to v1.0.3.
  • Updated Static Content Blocks plugin to v1.0.1.
  • Updated Ninja Forms plugin to v2.9.33.
  • Updated Font Awesome to v4.5.0.
  • Updated documentation with best practice for creating a child theme.
  • Updated events so that the month name is automatically displayed in the site language.
  • NEW Added timezone field to events.
  • NEW Added an option to add a link to the event title in the timeline event information.
  • Disabled AJAX submit option in demo data for Ninja Form donation demo content.
  • Fixed video “load more” functionality.
  • Fixed timezone setting error message.
  • Fixed error message when Action Links color not set.
  • Fixed typo in PHP version error message.
  • Fixed some missing translation strings.
  • Fixed Visual Composer row settings not working in content blocks.

UPDATE – VERSION 1.0.0 (November 3rd 2015)

Initial release

  • No changes yet.


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