Constructor One – Construction WP Theme.
Constructor One is a construction based WP Theme. This theme is specially designed for Construction Company. There are 2 different Home page version. It’s a creative and unique designed theme.
If you love the Design, please rate it.
- One click demo install
- wpbakery
- 2 Homepage Style
- Valid HTML5 & CSS3
- Super Responsive
- Latest Bootstrap
- Unique effects and functionality.
- Smooth transition effects
- Cross Browser Optimization
- Google font
What do you get?
- WordPress Installable files
- Documentation
version 2.2 Change log 23.03.2022.
+ Fixed:We update the Constructor theme regularly so we can make it better for you. Bugs and Improves. + Added: Meta field add. + Updated: Theme Options Updated.
version 2.0 Change log 1.17.2021.
+ Fixed:We update the Constructor theme regularly so we can make it better for you. Bugs and Improves. + Updated:WordPress 5.6. + Updated:Documentation. + Updated:Slider Revolution. + Fixed:Easy Demo install. + Updated:Page Builder. + Updated:Framework. + Added:Extend theme options. + Fixed:All error fixed. + Fixed:All widget fix.
version 1.1 Change log 11.20.2019.
* Documentation updated .
* Video Documentation .
* Bug fix.
* Easy Demo install.
* revolution slider update .
* Page builder update.
* Color Control Added.
* WordPress Gutenberg Optimized .
* WordPress 5.3 Updated.