
Docy – Premium Documentation, Knowledge base & LMS WordPress Theme with Helpdesk Forum


✅ Automatic Theme Update
✅ Fully Dark/Light Mode support
✅ Support Center with bbPress Forum
✅ Unlimited Onepage & Multipage Documentations
✅ Full Elementor, Elementor Pro and PRO Elements compatibility.
✅ Knowledgebase, Forum, and LMS in One package
wooCommerce Compatible
Gutenberg Optimized

✅ Fully WPML Compatible
GDPR Ready
RTL Ready
Child theme included

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Docy Documentation

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Current Version 3.1.8 View Changelog

Read blog about the version 3.0.0

Read the Full Theme Review

Docy is the perfect WordPress theme for creating comprehensive documentation, knowledge base, and LMS websites. The theme is packed with features including a help desk forum, easy integration with popular plugins such as Elementor, ACF Pro, WooCommerce, EazyDocs, Tutor LMS, and bbPress, and tons of customization options. Docy also includes a powerful drag-and-drop page builder for creating custom layouts.

With Docy you can easily create stunning websites with beautiful documentation and learning material that your users will love. With its intuitive and user-friendly interface, you can easily create stunning content without any coding knowledge.

Docy also comes with bbPress Forum integration which allows you to build a complete community around your website. You can use it to answer customer queries, share ideas, build relationships and improve customer service. And thanks to its SEO-friendly structure, your website will be easy to find in search engine rankings.

Reasons to buy documentation theme
Ultimate helpdesk
Docy Features
Docy - Premium Documentation, Knowledge base & LMS WordPress Theme with Helpdesk Forum - 1

We designed Docy for the readers, optimizing not for page views or engagement — but for reading. And it turns out that context is a vital part of learning.

Docy is not only a theme but also a package of tools for creating product documentation in the best way. Docy follows the best coding practice by maintaining standards. We developed the theme search engine friendly (SEO optimized) and perfect on any device (desktop, laptop, mobile, iPad).

Docy Theme Features and Tools

Docy has some amazing tools that will help you build your product documentation interactively and reading-friendly. Here are some key features that make the theme better than other knowledgebase themes.

  • Dark mode switcher.
  • Font size switcher
  • Full-width and Box width container-based doc pages.
  • Article Table of contents (on this page)
  • Documentation with sticky and non-sticky header
  • Dynamic, informative pre-loader on every page
  • Footnotes for doc reference
  • Page preview tooltip
  • Directory indicator
  • Conditional content
  • Image Hotspot for pointing out the targeted parts of an image
  • Responsive Layout
  • CSS3 & HTML5 validated by standards
  • 100% Valid and Semantic coding
  • 40+ Pages
  • Sticky sidebar
  • Full-width layout
  • Syntax highlighter
  • Tabs
  • Alerts / Messages / Notes
  • Accordion
  • Lightbox
  • Tooltips
  • Carousel
  • File tree navigation
  • Table of content
  • Property tabl e
  • Article feedback
  • Easy to Customize.
  • Bootstrap 4 Responsive Framework
  • Unique and Modern Style.
  • Search Engine Optimised Code.
  • Mailchimp integrated.
  • All Modern Browser Supported.
  • Well commented code


Sources and Credits

  1. Icon Font: The Elegant Icon
  2. Icon Font: fontawesome
  3. Images Used: Freepik, Unsplash


3.1.8 (11 April 2023)

Tweaked: bbPress user profile page design improved (
Tweaked: Form fields style improved
Tweaked: Info box Elementor widget improved (if link is not added, the link icon won't show, textarea field added for description text)
Tweaked: Gradient background applied on all bbPress pages (forum, topic, reply, user profile, etc.)
Fixed: Topics Started, Forum Replies, Engagements tabs of bbPress user profile page

3.1.6 (27 March 2023)

Fixed: Forum sidebar wasn't appearing on the Forum archive page
Fixed: Top Call to Action wasn't showing on the Forum archive page (You can enable it from the Theme Settings > Forums > Forum Archive page)
Updated: Demo contents
Tweaked: 404 Error page design improved (arrow icon position aligned according to the button context, responsive view improved)
Tweaked: Sidebar column width adjusted when the TOC wasn't enabled on the Blog Single Post page
Tweaked: Deleted some unnecessary options (Theme Settings > Forums > Topics Archive options)
Tweaked: Deleted some unnecessary CSS

3.1.2 (01 February 2022)

New: Added a dedicated single page for the Elementor templates library to improve the template editing experience.
New: Curved Layout banner type for blog post
Tweaked: Dark mode integration improved
Tweaked: Single post view on mobile devices improved
Tweaked: Calendar widget/block design improved
Tweaked: Dark mode colors improved
Tweaked: Made the Sticky tab position sticky in the tab content area. Previously, it was stuck on the whole page
Tweaked: Forum Private reply design improved
Tweaked: Deleted some unnecessary code
Updated: wooCommerce template files

3.1.5 (26 February 2022)

Fixed: The Blog Post's Classic and Curved Shape Title-bar was not showing on the Blog Single Post page
Tweaked: Search results page design improved
Tweaked: TOC enabled on Blog Single Post (All Variations)
Tweaked: Recent Post, Calendar and Search widget design improved
Tweaked: Dark mode colors improved
Tweaked: Blog Grid layout and sidebar design improved
Tweaked: Video post format design improved
Tweaked: Shop page design improved
Tweaked: wooCommerce Checkout page design improved
Tweaked: Direction shortcode rendering improved with text & visual editor mode

3.1.1 (09 January 2022)

New: Banner background style option added for the Search Banner in Theme Settings > Header > Search Banner
New: Menu items description text support added for the Menu items
New: Share options for blog single post
Fixed: Issue with Tooltips Elementor widget
Fixed: Image placeholder (alt text) was showing when the Featured image missed on the Forum Topic Ajax sorting
Fixed: Some plugins were not installed with the One Click Demo Import
Tweaked: Link style improved
Tweaked: FAQ limit option added for the FAQ Elementor widget
Tweaked: Tab widget dark mode support improved
Tweaked: Dark mode color improved for the Accordion widget
Tweaked: Mobile view improved

3.1.0 (09 December 2022)

Note/Blog: Know more about this update here
New: Check if the required plugins are installed and activated before importing the demo content.
Fixed: bbPress Recent Topics and Recent Replies widgets icon wasn't showing correctly.
Tweaked: Shop page design improved
Removed: Pro Elements from the Docy Core plugin. If you want to use the Pro Elements, you need to install it separately.

3.0.0 (30 November 2022)

New: Tutor LMS plugin integrated with Full Dark mode support
New: Some beautiful preset Background Style added for the Title-bar
New: Accent Color option added for Dark Mode in the 'Theme Settings > Dark Mode' page
New: Style Guide page added
New: Wide container added to the Header Width options in the 'Theme Settings > Header > Layout & Settings' page
New: Documentation added about 'Using of Helper Classes in Docy' here
Fixed: Mobile menu on RTL mode was displaying incorrectly.
Fixed: An error of type E_ERROR was caused in line 37 of the file /wp-content/plugins/docy-core/widgets/inc/video-playlist/video-playlist-2.php
Fixed: The navbar position was not working if the default option was selected from the Page Options.
Tweaked: bbPress user profile page design improved
Tweaked: Dark mode support added for the Login (Elementor) page
Tweaked: Link style improved
Tweaked: ul, ol, li style improved for better readability
Tweaked: Improved the design of the widget "Recent Posts" 
Tweaked: Improved the design of the wooCommerce Cart page (major improvements done)
Tweaked: Dark mode colors improved (major improvements done)
Tweaked: Automatic versioning added to the theme assets (CSS, JS files). So that the browser will not use the cached version of the files.
Tweaked: Demo xml files moved to our server to make the theme more lightweight
Tweaked: Product details page design improved, dark mode colors improved
Tweaked: Navigation menu design improved (spacing, colors, etc.)
Tweaked: responsive2.css file merged with responsive.css
Tweaked: Navbar type condition remake for better performance and readability of the code
Updated: wooCommerce template files
Updated: Pro Elements
Removed: OnePage doc page template removed sine it's not used any more
Removed: Unnecessary meta fields (OnePage Doc meta fields removed since it's transferred to the EazyDocs plugin. Also, the Footnote meta fields removed, and we'll add footnote in the EazyDocs to make more easy)

2.2.7 (01 November 2022)

New: Mega Menu
Tweaked: Filter by Category option added in the Changelog widget. You can display changelogs for multiple products
Tweaked: Link color and hover improved
Tweaked: Docy Nav Menu Elementor widget (width control added, responsive view improved)
Tweaked: Navigation Menubar in mobile view (the Dark mode switcher moved to the side menu).
Tweaked: Dark mode colors improved on the mobile side menu
Tweaked: Main Menu item active color

2.2.6 (21 October 2022)

New: Docy Nav Menu Elementor widget
Tweaked: Mobile device view improved
Tweaked: Search results page design improved
Tweaked: Compatibility with Elementor improved
Tweaked: Some images optimized to improve the loading speed
Tweaked: Theme typography improved (link color, hover, paragraph color css)

2.2.5 (06 October 2022)

Fixed: Ajax Search Results were not showing on clicking the keywords
Tweaked: Forum Subscribe button is designed based on the states

2.2.4 (06 October 2022)

New: Title Prefix and Typography options added in the Theme Settings > Forums > Topic Details page
New: Background Color, Shape change options are added for the Post's Creative Colorful Banner (
Tweaked: Blog page view improved on mobile device
Tweaked: Theme's typography improved
Tweaked: Post meta enabled (showed) on the TOC post layout's banner
Fixed: Tooltip JS console errors
Updated: wooCommerce outdated template files

2.2.3 (15 September 2022)

Fixed: Accordion, Tabs and Image hotspot ELementor widgets
Tweaked: Forum Topic Reply single page design improved (breadcrumb and sidebar added)
Tweaked: Forum Sidebar added on the bbPress search results page
Tweaked: Included FAQ tab in the search results page

2.2.2 (09 September 2022)

New: BBP Core plugin integrated for bbPress forum
Tweaked: Ajax search performance improved
Tweaked: Blog single page design improved (comments list, comment form, tags, left TOCs)
Tweaked: Forum Elementor widget's
Tweaked: Forum elementor widget's (forum style 1) read more button

2.2.1 (30 August 2022)

Tweaked: Forum thumbnail design improved
Tweaked: Docs mobile menu design improved
Tweaked: Dark mode colors improved
Fixed: Elementor Pro plugin conflicts with the Docy Core plugin.

2.2.0 (01 August 2022)

Tweaked: Forum thumbnail design improved
Tweaked: Docs mobile menu design improved
Tweaked: Dark mode colors improved
Fixed: Elementor Pro plugin conflicts with the Docy Core plugin.

2.1.9 (17 July 2022)

Tweaked: Dark Mode colors improved
Tweaked: Single Doc Elementor widget's Doc Topic Boxes Cards are now clickable
Fixed: Docs Tabs not working with chines language (choose numbered ID for not supported language)
Fixed: PHP error with Pro Elements in the Docy Core plugin
Fixed: Search Banner was missing on the Shop, Product pages

2.1.8 (01 July 2022)

New: Featured image is shown on the Blog single post page
Fixed: Title length field reverted for the Recent Posts widget
Fixed: Dark Mode colors on the Docs page.
Tweaked: Blog single post (TOC layout)

2.1.7 (28 June 2022)

New: Breadcrumbs options added in Theme Settings > Header
Fixed: Docy core was conflicting with Elementor PRO (need to update the Docy Core 2.1.7)
Tweaked: Dark mode colors (comment form)
Tweaked: Blog classic layout design and markup improved

2.1.5 (22 June 2022)

New: Position option added in Theme Settings > General > Back to Top
Tweaked: The wpd-style.css file merged with the style-main.css file to improve the theme's loading performance
Tweaked: Accordion Articles, Single Doc Elementor widgets design improved
Tweaked: Keyword hover effect added for Search Form's keywords
Tweaked: Forum Sign-in Form's password field design improved
Fixed: If "Focus Search by /" option enabled, the "/" key was not working in the WordPress editor.

2.1.4 (11 June 2022)

Deleted: Old onepage doc template (use the EazyDocs > OnePage Docs)
Tweaked: Comment form placeholder design
Tweaked: Compatibility with EazyDocs improved
Tweaked: Removed some unnecessary CSS

2.1.3 (04 June 2022)

Updated: Docy Core plugin updated to 2.1.3
Tweaked: Performance improved by removing some unnecessary CSS
Fixed: The Recent Post widget's reading time was showing wrong.

2.1.2 (28 May 2022)

Updated: Docy Core plugin updated to 2.1.2
Tweaked: 'FAQ Tabs' Elementor widget (missed skin preview images added, style 2 design improved)
Fixed: Blog Post Details TOC Layout (the toc items were not showing)
Tweaked: Blog Post Details left sidebar TOC's child items
Tweaked: Blog single post improved on mobile view
Tweaked: Forums Sidebar, Pagination view improved on mobile view

2.1.1 (13 May 2022)

Tweaked: Re-organized SCSS files in the assets/scss folder
Tweaked: EazyDocs compatibility improved
Fixed: The forum topic filters were not working due to updating the Bootstrap version.

2.1.0 (11 May 2022)

Tweaked: Eazydocs plugin integration with Docy
Tweaked: 'inline' attribute added to the [code] shortcode. If you use inline='true' the code will render inline.
Tweaked: 'Recent Posts' widget (extra space removed on the left side of the post when thumbnail not found)
Fixed: JavaScript error was returning on the line number 109 in the main.js

2.0.0 (09 May 2022)

BIG CHANGE: weDocs plugin is replaced with our own <a href=""> EazyDocs </a> plugin (Install our new plugin from Appearance > Install Plugins. Then deactivate the weDocs plugin to avoid conflict with EazyDocs)
Tweaked: Bootstrap version upgraded to v5.1.3 from v5.0.0-beta3
Tweaked: Calendar and List style widgets design are improved
Tweaked: h3, h4 headings support added to TOC layout blog post
Fixed: wooCommerce product Update cart button was not working


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